Nude "Passion of the Christ" Calendar Incites Rage from Bishop of Mallorca

A Catholic youth group has caught flack for posing nude in a fundraising calendar in Spain.

It's nothing out of the ordinary for a church group to raise funds. But when a Catholic youth group in Mallorca, Spain decided to do so by posing nude in a calendar, it caused quite a stir. 
The 2011 calendar, organized by the Davallament youth group from the town of Sant Joan, features nude and semi-nude young men in a variety of poses, including scenes with the cross and the last supper. 
The bishop of Mallorca has sharply criticized the project. But what do you think about the use of the natural human body to depict important cultural scenes?

No es nada fuera de lo común que un grupo religioso hace algo para recaudar fondos. Pero cuando un grupo de católicos jovenes en Mallorca, España, posó desnudo en un calendario con esta meta en mente, ha atraído muchísima atención. El calendario, que salió para el año 2011, fue organizado por la asociación de Davallament de San Joan, y incluye imagenes con hombres jovenes desnudos y semidesnudos, reproduciendo escenas vinculadas a la semana santa. 
El obispo de Mallorca ha criticado fuertamente el proyecto. ¿Pero qué opinas tú sobre el uso del cuerpo humano natural para representar momentos importantes de la historia o de la religión?

Scantily clad Catholic Davallament youth recreated several religious scenes for the calendar.
Davallament Catholic youth pose for semi-nude "Passion of the Christ" photos.
The cross serves as a strategically placed prop for these nearly nude Davallament youth.
Catholic religious scenes are recreated in the nude in the Davallament calendar. Is this art, history, religion or just a great publicity-getting fundraising effort?


  1. ufortunately, the only nudity in this calendar is the one butt in the end photo. everyone else appears to be in their undies. wearing undies does not equal "nude." trust me on that one.

  2. Hey Alan, Have you been able to get a copy of the actual calendar? I can't seem to find anyplace to actually order one. And yes, I agree that underwear does not equal nude -- but it seems the one butt photo, and the other photo of the line-up of men who are nude except for the Roman-style feathered hats seemed to be more than enough to get the bishop upset! :)


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